Posts Tagged ‘please god make it stop’

Video Wars: Some horrific patriotic crap for the sheeple

April 23, 2009

Video Wars is a feature we run here periodically. A few years ago, a buddy of mine and I would try to out-mortify one another by sending horrific music video clips. Sadly, now I share them on this blog. So, you’re all collateral damage in our war. Anyway, I have no info. on this video, but perhaps it’s best you don’t know the artist or the song title as the names would haunt you forever. Crapitude such as this is best left unnamed.

Courtesy of Jon. Sorry everyone, that in his quest for vengence he had to involve you. He’s a cruel bastard as you can tell.

The pros and cons of technology displayed in this amateur music video

April 9, 2009

Good: You can make your own music videos for all to see.

Bad: You can make your own music videos for all to see.

“All We Are” by Kim Mitchell. Could this be the crappiest music video of the 1980s?

March 2, 2009

Discuss.  You owe it to yourself to see the whole thing before making a decision.

Video Wars-“Treat Your Mother Right” by Mr. T

February 23, 2009


Well, this looks like a nice band and…..OH DEAR GOD MAKE IT STOP!

February 19, 2009

From 1978, live on the Jerry Lewis Telethon we present the band Manakin with their song “Something is Locked in My Mind.”  Why?  Why did this happen?

The “Preggo Shuffle Rap.” Bleach for your eyes and daggers for your ears while recommended, are not provided.

February 17, 2009

I hate myself.  Watch at your….oh…..I just…….this is almost too much.  I challenge you to watch the whole thing.  Take 6 pregnant white women from the 80’s, then have them rap about exercising while pregnant, and finally watch as they ruin hip hop for eternity.  The last time I was this ashamed to be white was when Michael Jackson was charged a 2nd time for child molestation.

Video Wars: “Without You” by Mark Gormley

February 11, 2009

This is a potpourri of suckitude.

I wonder if Jon has given up?

Video Wars: “Shine on Me” by Chris Dane Owens

February 8, 2009

Higher than normal production value for a worse than normal song/video.

p.s.  Jon, I almost feel bad for this one….

Painful? Definitely. However, this Southwest Airlines rap from the 80’s begs to be seen.

January 14, 2009

It’s so terrible that it’s almost beautiful. In a very, very sick way. You must at least watch the end. Quite a finish…..

Via The Consumerist

**Update**  I just watched this clip again.  I hate myself.

Video Wars: “Why Must I Cry?” by Reh Dogg

January 6, 2009

Video Wars is coming at you with no mercy in the ’09.  The first attack of 2009, courtesy of Reh Dogg.  I’m not sure what this song is about…but, before you criticize the vocals, ponder the sentiment of lyricist and performer, Reh Dogg:

This song is highly emotional and it’s not about how well the singer is it’s about expression of hard times.

Happy New Year, Jon.