Posts Tagged ‘Airlines’

Vice President Joe Biden: Run for the hills people! The flu swine will get ya!

April 30, 2009

I’ve always wondered why on Earth Barack Obama picked Joe Biden to be his VP.  There must have been strategic gains that overcome Biden’s infamous tendency to put his foot in his mouth.  Regardless, it makes for great comedy.  Here’s the Vice President of the United States on the Today Show this morning doing his best to further panic the sheeple over the swine flu.  Stay away from the airplanes and subway cars people.

Going Batshit Crazy is No Way to React when You Miss Your Flight

February 16, 2009

But it is entertaining to watch.  Watch this woman’s meltdown after missing her flight.  The incident happened at the Hong Kong International Airport.  I can guarantee this woman would have received a  TSA beatdown if this had happened in the U.S.

Painful? Definitely. However, this Southwest Airlines rap from the 80’s begs to be seen.

January 14, 2009

It’s so terrible that it’s almost beautiful. In a very, very sick way. You must at least watch the end. Quite a finish…..

Via The Consumerist

**Update**  I just watched this clip again.  I hate myself.

“Everythings amazing, and nobody’s happy.”

November 20, 2008

Comedian Louis CK brings some much-needed perspective on life in this age of technology. We should all stop bitching so much.

Some of the most dangerous places to land a commercial airliner in the world

June 2, 2008

A view from the cockpit on approach to Tonchontin International Airport in Honduras. 5 people died and 65 were injured in a crash there last week.

Some other scary places to land:

St. Maarten Airport in the Caribbean

Hong Kong’s Kai Tak Airport