Archive for the ‘Stupid’ Category

Introducing….The Wearable Towel

July 1, 2009

It comes in 3 colors, costs only $20, and makes you look like the suburban douchebag that you are.  Well..if you wear it I mean.  Move over Snuggie.

Via Geekologie

“Kush Support-A Natural Rest for the Breast”

June 25, 2009

What. The. Hell?

Via Geekologie

Vice President Joe Biden: Run for the hills people! The flu swine will get ya!

April 30, 2009

I’ve always wondered why on Earth Barack Obama picked Joe Biden to be his VP.  There must have been strategic gains that overcome Biden’s infamous tendency to put his foot in his mouth.  Regardless, it makes for great comedy.  Here’s the Vice President of the United States on the Today Show this morning doing his best to further panic the sheeple over the swine flu.  Stay away from the airplanes and subway cars people.

Public Service Announcements from the Swine flu of 1976-Somehow the world didn’t end then either

April 28, 2009

Keep in mind, while watching this, that there was 1 death from the swine flu of 1976, and 30+ deaths from the swine flu shot. Back in 1976, the U.S. government had to produce these ominous public service announcements on their own.  These days, the media handles that part of it.

Calm down people: Swine flu 1976-1 death from the flu, 30+ deaths from the vaccination

April 27, 2009

Some much needed perspective for the latest media-induced “health crisis.”

Mass vaccinations started in October, but within weeks reports started coming in of people developing Guillain-Barré syndrome, a paralyzing nerve disease, right after taking the shot. Within two months, 500 people were affected, and more than 30 died. Amid a rising uproar and growing public reluctance to risk the shot, federal officials abruptly canceled the program Dec. 16.

Read the full article at Wired.

No McNuggets? Surely that’s a reason to call 911.

March 5, 2009


“I called 911 because I couldn’t get a refund, and I wanted my McNuggets,” according to the below Fort Pierce Police Department report. That logic, however, did not keep cops from citing Goodman for misusing the 911 system. Even after being issued a misdemeanor citation, Goodman contended, “this is an emergency, my McNuggets are an emergency.”

Listen to the 911 calls below.

Via The Smoking Gun

Idiot is near Darwin Award Nominee

February 16, 2009

Natural selection just missed….

Sent in by Pye

Can you burn images of the President-Elect before he takes office? What’s Iranian for “Yes we can”?

January 13, 2009


Because these Iranian demonstrators just lack basic hardliner etiquette.  Tsk, tsk.  Apparently, these demonstrators are angry about…..oh, like it matters anymore.

Via Yahoo.

Newark, New Jersey cop chokes photographer while photographer is cuffed. Photographer’s “crime”? Filming on a public sidewalk.

November 23, 2008

Newark, NJ cop apparently forgets about the First Amendment as he arrests cameraman for filming.  In broad daylight.  On a public street.  I’m sure this is an isolated incident.

More on this story here.

New Hampshire police DUI “crackdown”-480 cars pulled over in one night: a whooping 7 arrested for alcohol-related charges

November 10, 2008

New Hampshire’s new DUI “mobile command post,” managed to pull over 480 cars in one night Friday night and early Sat. morning. The purpose was to “crack down” on people driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Of the 480 cars pulled over, police racked up a whooping 7 arrests for alcohol-related charges. For some perspective, for every 68 cars pulled over, police arrested 1 person. That’s some fine police work, Lou.

The sad thing is that this waste of money will be explained away as a success for the initiative. Some talking head from the state will stand in front of a podium touting the arrest numbers and making a case for how “police presence” kept impaired drivers off the road which=safety, which=keep funding our agencies. Of course, had police arrested more drivers, they would then make a case for increased funding levels. That’s the business of government for you.


Via Seacoastonline