Posts Tagged ‘fail’

Michael Jackson’s father continues to pimp out his record label

June 30, 2009

Joe Jackson might the most opportunistic douchebag in history.  That covers a lot of ground, people.  Fresh off his bizarre interview at the BET Awards where he plugged his new record label, Joe couldn’t help but plug is record label again while at a press conference.

Why is Al Sharpton on the stage?  Nevermind, there’s cameras around……

Michael Jackson’s father grieves by plugging his record label. Just a bizarre interview from start to finish.

June 29, 2009

Weird gets even weirder from around the 1:00 mark.  Joe Jackson, father of Michael gives one of the most bizarre red carpet interviews I’ve ever seen.  Watch as Joe has his publicist, attorney, and business partner all chime in.  Bonus fail: Joe plugs his latest business venture at the end.  He seems to show none of the grief you’d expect from a father that had just lost his meal ticket son.

“Kush Support-A Natural Rest for the Breast”

June 25, 2009

What. The. Hell?

Via Geekologie

He-Man as done by Bollywood….as a stage show

June 25, 2009


Soccer goalie fail

June 23, 2009

Err…sorry, football goalkeeper fail for those of you not living in the U.S.

Ridiculous Cleveland news broadcast about a bear in a neighborhood

June 21, 2009

The reporter decides to utilize some props to help viewers get an idea what a bear in the backyard looks like.

Comfort Wipe-a modern solution to “archaic” toilet paper

June 16, 2009

How on earth have we survived all these 1000’s of years without the Comfort Wipe? I wish this was a spoof.

Video Wars-“Stop the War” by Speak the Hungarian rapper

June 16, 2009

Oh man…this is just so….awesome!  Combine a thick European accent mumbling about “Sometimes, people make a war,” with shouts out to Tupac Shakur and you can’t go wrong.

Bring on the Video Wars, Jonathon and Izzy.

Best martial-arts fight scene EVER

May 20, 2009

Just……just awesome.  So very bad that it’s brilliant.  Terrible camera work, inexpensive gore, bad fight choreography, and 1 awesome line delivered after the bad guy has been dispatched.  This is a must watch from the film Undefeatable.

Many, many thanks to Abe for sending this in….

“Boom goes the dynamite,” a once noble expression, will now forever be tainted

May 18, 2009

Poor dude….nervous as all get out. Broadcasting fail.