Posts Tagged ‘9/11’

Video Wars: Some horrific patriotic crap for the sheeple

April 23, 2009

Video Wars is a feature we run here periodically. A few years ago, a buddy of mine and I would try to out-mortify one another by sending horrific music video clips. Sadly, now I share them on this blog. So, you’re all collateral damage in our war. Anyway, I have no info. on this video, but perhaps it’s best you don’t know the artist or the song title as the names would haunt you forever. Crapitude such as this is best left unnamed.

Courtesy of Jon. Sorry everyone, that in his quest for vengence he had to involve you. He’s a cruel bastard as you can tell.

No McNuggets? Surely that’s a reason to call 911.

March 5, 2009


“I called 911 because I couldn’t get a refund, and I wanted my McNuggets,” according to the below Fort Pierce Police Department report. That logic, however, did not keep cops from citing Goodman for misusing the 911 system. Even after being issued a misdemeanor citation, Goodman contended, “this is an emergency, my McNuggets are an emergency.”

Listen to the 911 calls below.

Via The Smoking Gun

Lois Griffin from “Family Guy” learns how to truly win over voters

September 14, 2008

McCain and Obama already have this strategy down, but in case anyone needs a refresher course.

Man gets stuck inside porta-potty……and not just in the door, but in the waste receptacle.

June 15, 2008

A man gets drunk and goes into a portable toilet and takes his clothes off. And then it gets weird…..

(AP) Rescue crews had to cut apart a portable toilet to rescue a man who got stuck naked inside the potty.

Authorities say 31-year-old Shannon Hunter, of Lebanon, Pa., used his cell phone to call 911 on Sunday from inside a portable toilet.

Police say Hunter had been drinking and had taken off his clothes. Somehow, he immersed himself in the holding tank.

Deputy fire commissioner Chris Miller told WPMT-TV, “I’ve been on the job in one form or fashion for 21 years, and this is the first port-a-potty rescue I’ve ever had.”

Police charged Hunter with public drunkenness and creating a health code violation, but they have no idea why he was in the toilet with his clothes off. They say he didn’t suffer any serious injuries.


Sept. 11th TV archives

May 8, 2008

Watch coverage of the Sept. 11th, 2001 attack on multiple stations.  Coverage starts around 8:30 a.m., on 9/11 and several subsequent days coverage are available.  Very eerie to watch.  Who knew we’d be in the clusterf**k we’re in now in Iraq?  Well, I think some people might’ve had an idea….