Posts Tagged ‘War on Drugs’

Don’t get busted selling cocaine while getting your hair done.

June 21, 2009

Because you can end up looking like this.  The gentleman above took a time out from the barbershop to go and (allegedly) sell some crack cocaine.  Police didn’t even allow him to get his braids finished before booking.  Man, if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a 1000 times.  Selling narcotics can wait until after you’ve had your hair fully braided….or your wax done.  What?  Too much?  Look, you’ll thank me one day.

Via Evansville Courier & Press

Why men drank in 1919.

January 25, 2009

From a Montana history book, this picture was apparently taken during the Temperance movement in 1919.  This picture was responsible for 1000s of men becoming alcoholics.

Sent in by Vitamin-E.

Forgive Me Father, for it Has Been 6 Days Since My Last Fix: Priest Busted for Selling Cocaine on Illinois University Campus

September 14, 2008

URBANA, Ill. — A Catholic priest on the University of Illinois campus has been charged with selling cocaine from his church office and rectory.

The Rev. Christopher Layden pleaded not guilty Thursday to two counts of delivery of less than 1 gram of cocaine within 1,000 feet of a church and one count of possession with intent to deliver 1 to 15 grams of cocaine near a church.

The 33-year-old was arrested Wednesday at St. John’s Catholic Newman Center after investigators found 3 grams of cocaine and drug paraphernalia while searching his home and office. His bond was set at $50,000.
Click here to find out more!

The Catholic Diocese of Peoria said it has suspended Layden.

His attorney, Mark D. Lipton, did not immediately respond to an after hours message seeking comment.


Meth will ruin your chances of winning a beauty contest

July 28, 2008

I’m pretty critical over the failed “war on drugs (users)” but that doesn’t mean I think people should abuse drugs.  Case in point, the people featured on Faces of Meth, a collection of mugshots that shows the havoc meth causes on a user in a very short time.

Click here for a very scary chronological series of mugshots of meth users.  Not pretty.

Spiders on Drugs

July 11, 2008

This is a classic. You may have already seen this, but a friend sent it to me, and even though I’ve seen it before, I felt like passing it along.

Smoking marijuana should reduce air rage, increase demand for Doritos

June 26, 2008


Air travel is a total hassle, man, and marijuana advocates in Denver say everyone would find the normally excruciating process a lot more pleasant if they could enjoy a few bong hits before boarding. It might even help solve a few of the problems that airlines have been experiencing lately. The way they see it, if people can knock a few back before a flight, they should be able to spark one up. They’re calling on airports nationwide to install marijuana lounges.

“All we’re saying is, in light of the fact drunk and disorderly incidents on airplanes are becoming more common, it really makes sense to allow adults the choice to use marijuana,” says Mason Tvert, executive director of Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation, the organization calling for the lounges. “There’s no rational reason our government would allow people to use alcohol and not use marijuana.”

Well, except for the fact the feds classify marijuana a Schedule 1 drug, putting it alongside heroin, mescaline meth and acid on its list of Drugs That Definitely Are Evil.

Tvert says many travelers consider flying stressful, so they’ll have a drink – or two, or three, or… – before boarding. That can lead to problems, such as the case last week where a JetBlue passenger allegedly lit up a cigarette and socked a flight attendant. She blamed the crew for serving her three vodkas. U.S Attorney Troy Eid told the Rocky Mountain News the feds are seeing a record number of passengers – often drunk – misbehaving on airplanes. “I think sometimes people think this is a joke,” he says. “They think it’s funny. And they’re going to find out otherwise as we do more and more of these cases.”

SAFER says giving people the option of smoking a joint before their flights would relax them without making them unruly. But don’t expect the feds or the airports to go along with the idea. Chuck Cannon, a spokesman for Denver International Airport, told the Denver Post he doesn’t foresee marijuana smoking in the airport. “Marijuana is illegal isn’t it?,” he says. “All the bars and restaurants are concessions and they sell what they sell. I do not know that we are going to tell them what they can sell. Alcohol is legal and tobacco is legal and marijuana is not.”

Tvert said he doesn’t have a problem with alcohol being sold in airports — although some people do, and say it should be banned — but says people should have another option. “It is irrational and potentially dangerous policy to continue allowing passengers to get drunk before and during flights while prohibiting them from simply making the safer choice to use marijuana prior to boarding,” Tvert says.

A superb interview with the writers of HBO’s “The Wire”

May 27, 2008

So no, I don’t think we’re being cynical. I think we’re being factual. We’ve been fighting the drug war for 30 years. Thirty years of failure. But there’s some reason that we persist in this. What is it? We never explore why that is. But you just can’t spend this much money and get these few results and continue on like this. Someone has to start wondering what the fuck is going on.

–Ed Burns, former vice-cop, and 1 of the 2 writers/creators of “The Wire”

A great interview on the abject failure of the “war on drugs” with the writers and creators of HBO’s “The Wire.” Interviewed by Radley Balko of Read and really think about what the writers are saying….and then ask yourself if you think they’re not dead on.