Posts Tagged ‘Pets’

Redneck Innovations: Homemade “lion” to guard your garage

June 12, 2009


Pet photo fail…….is fantastic!

January 12, 2009


Via BuzzFeed

Ninja cat will strike before you can grab the spray bottle.

December 16, 2008

Notice the lifeless, piercing black eyes at the end.  Deadly creatures.

Courtesy of my old buddy Chris.  He’s twice as stealthy as the cat and I’m not allergic to him.  Well…maybe I am but I haven’t been exposed often enough to his dander.  I sense a research project here.

Cat tames Roomba

November 24, 2008

Ninja cats-now that’s a car commercial I can appreciate.

November 20, 2008

I now need a Toyota Corolla..for absolutely no reason other than perhaps my cat will learn martial arts. Also, I need a cat.

Via Geekologie

More clever (cringeworthy?) costumes.

October 29, 2008

Check these and more out at Mental Floss.

Humiliating Halloween costumes for your dog

October 26, 2008

VH1’s show, Best Week Ever, released a list of 10 humiliating costumes for your dog.  Maybe they were being too harsh.  Perhaps some of these costumes might give your “kid” the self-esteem boost it needs.

Batman, from The Dark Knight.

Spongebob Square Pants



See the remaining costumes at Best Week Ever.

Meet Buster the world’s ugliest dog

October 23, 2008

October 16, 2008

One of our new favorite blogs, Upside Down Dogs, is exactly what it says: simple, yet tasteful pictures of canines…..ON THE CEILING!  These dogs are obviously advanced.  Submit pictures of your proto-pup here.  Thanks to Kobez, the most well-read Spaniard you’ll ever meet.

God Bless the American Entrepreneur!

September 12, 2008

An Orlando resident clearly saw the need for a 1-stop shopping experience for grapefruits, pitbull puppies, and babysitting services.  Diversification is where it’s at these days.

Via Boing Boing