Posts Tagged ‘bad cop no donuts’

Knives (of unspecified origins) vs. Cops (of Canadien origin)

April 26, 2009

Very odd training video from Canada, detailing the dangers to cops from knives.

No, officer it’s still not a crime to film the police. Seriously, call dispatch and ask.

April 14, 2009

From our UK cousins.

Seattle sheriff’s beat the hell out a 15 yr. old girl. While she’s already in a cell.

March 1, 2009

Newark, New Jersey cop chokes photographer while photographer is cuffed. Photographer’s “crime”? Filming on a public sidewalk.

November 23, 2008

Newark, NJ cop apparently forgets about the First Amendment as he arrests cameraman for filming.  In broad daylight.  On a public street.  I’m sure this is an isolated incident.

More on this story here.

New Hampshire police DUI “crackdown”-480 cars pulled over in one night: a whooping 7 arrested for alcohol-related charges

November 10, 2008

New Hampshire’s new DUI “mobile command post,” managed to pull over 480 cars in one night Friday night and early Sat. morning. The purpose was to “crack down” on people driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Of the 480 cars pulled over, police racked up a whooping 7 arrests for alcohol-related charges. For some perspective, for every 68 cars pulled over, police arrested 1 person. That’s some fine police work, Lou.

The sad thing is that this waste of money will be explained away as a success for the initiative. Some talking head from the state will stand in front of a podium touting the arrest numbers and making a case for how “police presence” kept impaired drivers off the road which=safety, which=keep funding our agencies. Of course, had police arrested more drivers, they would then make a case for increased funding levels. That’s the business of government for you.


Via Seacoastonline