Posts Tagged ‘Automobiles’

Vanity plates the DMV didn’t censor

April 22, 2009

Jalopnik ran photos of 50 vanity plates that somehow received the approval of the Department of Motor Vehicles. Check out a few of the plates below and be sure to see the full collection here.

Make sure you check out the rest of the funny vanity plates.

Sent in by Izzy

Double-decker car racing

January 27, 2009

Bonus.  One gent loses his prosthetic arm around the 2:40 mark.

Viva El Pye!

What a waste: $250,000.00 Ferrari Modena doing a pole dance

October 28, 2008

A young Australian man got a little excited and wrecked his quarter of a million dollar Ferrari today.  Hard to believe but both men walked away from the wreckage.  The Ferrari Modena was 5 yrs. old, so I guess they got their money’s worth.  Both men were sent to the hospital but it is believed they will make full recoveries.

Via The Herald Sun

China uses an effective speed bump to slow down traffic *coughs*people trying to defect*coughs*

August 27, 2008

Authorities in the ShanXi province of China apparently had enough of speeders.  So, they erected these 100 ft. long sections of concrete.  Standing 2 ft. high, they’re curved to maintain a constant slow speed.  Why is it when I look at them all I think of is how fast could I drive a car through there and end up on the other side in relatively good shape?  Also, it’s not my car.

Via Geekologie

Just what your car needs. Emoticons.

June 4, 2008

I suppose flipping the bird doesn’t really convey all you need to while driving.

Detroit Houses Cheaper than Cars–UAW labels all houses as “scabs” and automatically demands a pay raise.

June 3, 2008

Cheap houses and unlicensed handguns at record levels in Detroit. Thanks to our friends at Students for a Free Economy (SFE) who not only provided the link, but also wrote the best headline. “Homeless and living in your car? Cheaper alternatives are here!”

Let’s hope that Jennifer Granholm and the state Dems can tax us out of this.

If only there was a solution for both of these problems…..

Man admits to having sex with 1,000 cars

May 29, 2008

Herbie the Love Bug scoffs and refers to man as a “rookie.” Freakish. Picture of man below scoping out a potential date for the weekend.