Posts Tagged ‘Army’

“The Hurt Locker” opening nationwide in July

June 28, 2009

The film opened this past Friday in New York and L.A.  Looks pretty good.

Family Guy demonstrates how wonderful Iraq will be when democracy kicks in.

July 7, 2008

White House blocks Army’s plan to improve contracting system

June 23, 2008

Because everything with the Iraq War has run so smoothly……..

The Office of Management and Budget, President Bush’s administrative arm, has shot down a service plan to add five active-duty generals who would oversee purchasing and monitor contractor performance.

Buy your $2,000.00 hammer here

Apartment complex won’t let Army enlistee out of his lease

June 14, 2008

ST. PETERSBURG — Mike Agosta enlisted in the Army and learned he would ship out 19 days later. He expected his apartment complex would let him go without penalty, considering he was ending the lease to serve his country.

He was wrong.

Florida law allows military personnel to break their leases if they show documentation and give 30 days’ notice. His apartment complex, Camden Lakes, said it wouldn’t accept his request to end the lease.

“I was really dumbfounded,” Agosta said from his father’s home in South Florida, where he’s visiting before shipping out to Fort Jackson, S.C., on Tuesday.

The company that owns the complex at 11150 Fourth St. N said it needed his official orders, which he says he won’t receive until the first day of boot camp. Agosta said he showed his signed Army contract, but the company wouldn’t accept it.

Read full article here. And, just in case you were curious, I’ve listed some contact info. below, strictly for informational purposes. 🙂

Camden Lakes

11401 9th St N
St Petersburg, FL 33716
(727) 577-7557

Parent company

Camden Property Trust
3 Greenway Plaza
Suite 1300
Houston, TX 77046-0391
(713) 354-2500
(800) 9-CAMDEN

Investor Relations Contact
Ms. Kimberly A. Callahan

(713) 354-2549

Senior Management and Board of Trustees

Spike Lee vs. Clint Eastwood, Round 3

June 9, 2008

So Spike Lee, director and professional whiner, responded to Eastwood’s interview in which Eastwood said Lee should “shut his face.”

Naturally, Lee plays the race card, a common tactic of a schmuck, a talented schmuck, but a schmuck nonetheless.

In responding to Eastwood’s Guardian interview, he said: “First of all, the man is not my father and we’re not on a plantation either. He’s a great director. He makes his films, I make my films … And a comment like ‘A guy like that should shut his face’ – come on Clint, come on. He sounds like an angry old man right there.”

Spike’s answer almost follows a politician’s textbook….well, a race-baiting politician. Throw out a line like, “we’re not on a plantation” to subtly further inject the notion that Eastwood is a racist, but then compliment him at the same time for being a “great director,” and close out the quote by saying Eastwood sounds like “an angry old man right there.”

He probably is angry, and rightly so. Lee has repeatedly insulted him, and his craft, and that would anger most people. Plus, Eastwood’s a veteran of Hollywood with a long and successful career, so to be insulted by a little punk like Lee, who is the real angry one here, would be a bit annoying. Read the rest of the whining by Lee.

Don’t forget now, Lee is a big fan of Nation of Islam leader, and outspoken racist and Jew-hater, Lewis Farrakhan. For just a smattering of Lee’s racism and anti-antisemitism, click here.

Oh, also, here’s Spike Lee asserting that the levees in New Orleans were actually blown up, a charge originally made famous by Lewis Farrakhan. Life as a conspiracy nut is certainly interesting…..