Posts Tagged ‘luke skywalker’

“Death Star Canteen” featuring the narration of Eddie Izzard

May 20, 2009

A very funny Lego skit set to the comedic material of Eddie Izzard discussing what the Death Star’s canteen, or cafeteria, would look like.  NSFW language.

Thanks to Erik for this one….

Star Wars dub

April 28, 2009

Funny.  A few NSFW words.

Carrie Fisher roasts George Lucas, fails to mention how he shat on the last 3 films though.

April 26, 2009

Carrie Fisher turns in a great roast of George Lucas when he receives an AFI Lifetime Achievement Award.

How to Fully Express Your Displeasure with George Lucas

February 16, 2009

Yes, the gentleman below has a tattoo of Darth Vader holding the severed head of George Lucas.  The young man sent this picture into Gizmodo when he read their article “Should George Lucas be Condemned for Crimes Against Our Childhood?” The answer is “Yes.”

Via Gizmodo

The H-Wing Carfighter. Pure coolness.

January 5, 2009

A very creative, and devoted, Star Wars fan modified his Honda Del Sol to look like an A-Wing fighter from Return of the Jedi.  According to his webpage, he bought the Honda specifically for the project, at a cost of $7,000 and has only put in about $1,000 in modifications.  Very nice work.

Check out the specs. and history of the design at the official website of the H-Wing Carfighter

View other Star Wars vehicle mods at Road Squadron’s website.

Thanks to Abe, who hopes to buy this vehicle for his wife’s next birthday.  Whoops…cat’s out of the bag.

Deleted scene from 1st Star Wars-Vader’s love interest

December 10, 2008

It’s comforting to see Vader say stupid things in the presence of someone he finds attractive.

George Lucas authorizes new Star Wars action figures.

October 12, 2008

Hopefully these will be available by Christmas!

UK University Offering the Following Course: “Feel the Force: How to Train in the Jedi Way”

September 12, 2008

The UK’s first Jedi course teaching personal development through a Star Wars syllabus will open to students at Queen’s University in Belfast from November.

According to its publicity material, the course, Feel the Force: How to Train in the Jedi Way, teaches the real-life psychological techniques behind Jedi mind tricks.

It also claims to examine the wider issues behind the Star Wars universe, like balance, destiny, dualism, fatherhood and fascism.

The university says it hopes to attract young Star Wars fans and introduce them to education through open learning.

No prior qualifications are required and the blurb informs students that light sabres are not provided.


As the election heats up, 1 question remains: Which Star Wars character should you vote for?

August 8, 2008

All of those designs above can be put on assorted paraphernalia: tshirts, mugs, etc.  Me personally…..I’m voting for Vader if, for nothing else, you know he’ll stick to his guns…saber…whatever.  Point is, if the man says he’ll crush the opposition’s throats, you know he’s being quite literal, public opinion polls be damned.  Statesmen of principle are a rare thing these days.

Thanks to Geekologie for running this story.  Order some of the above designs on your product of choice at Star Wars Election ’08.

Best Stars Wars remakes according to

July 23, 2008 published its list of the best Star Wars remakes a few days ago.  Two of the 11 entries are pictured below.  Follow the link at the bottom for the rest.

Full list here