Posts Tagged ‘adam west’

The Dark Knight needed dancing.

August 9, 2008

Adam West’s Batman driven to dancing insanity by King Tut. Yes, you read that correctly.

Batman isn’t just a character, it’s a way of life…

July 19, 2008

BERLIN – From the outside, Ezra Welch’s home looks like many in East Berlin; its brick face and American flag fit in perfectly with the neighborhood. Stepping inside, it looks clean and quiet.

But head down the stairs to his basement and you enter the other world he inhabits.
Batman artwork covers the walls. A large sign welcoming guests to “The Batcave” hangs over the steps. The only thing that appears to be missing is a revolving bookcase that serves as a secret door.

For Welch, the self-proclaimed world’s No. 1 “Batfan” who has gone as far as getting Batman tattoos, “The Dark Knight,” the newest Batman film, opens today and is the “Holy Grail.” He, along with millions of other fans will flock to multiplexes to see the sequel that has created a buzz.

Welch said he was drawn to the Batman character, whose story of a man who responded to tragedy by teaching himself to fight crime and stand up for justice inspired him. As a scrawny young boy who wore glasses, he said he attracted the attention bullies.

“It was an inspiration for how to stand up for myself,” the 40-year-old said.

In fact, Welch loves his hero so much that he has dedicated an entire room to his obsession.

The basement is filled with a lifetime’s worth of Batman memorabilia — clocks, action figures, toys, masks, posters, even Batman cologne. Of course, there are comics too, more than 500 of them. He started collecting as a young boy, but a fire destroyed his collection while he was in college. He didn’t let that stop him though; he just started over and kept adding.

The collection is a diverse one, ranging from framed movie posters to a utility belt and even a large ceramic cookie jar shaped like Batman. He has even deemed one corner of the collection a “Rogues Gallery” and uses it to showcase Batman’s foes.

Welch, who works at Precision Graphics in East Berlin, doesn’t know exactly how much he has spent on his collection over the years but estimates it is at least $5,000, maybe even $10,000.

Even with all the money he has spent, he says his favorite item didn’t cost him a thing.

“It’s a Batrock,” he says, pointing to a chunk of stone he got during a visit to the cave used to film part of the 1960’s “Batman” TV show that starred Adam West. “It’s from the Batcave. I don’t know if anyone else has something like this.”

He has two Batman tattoos, though his preferred term is “Battoo.” One features the Batman logo, and the other, which Welch designed, places the character in front of a full moon and a swarm of bats.

Occasionally he will even don a full-size Batman costume, though he prefers to do it to mark special events; one photo on the wall of the “Batcave” features him, fully-costumed, kissing his wife in front of their Christmas tree.

As for his wife and two teenage daughters, Welch said they have put up with this obsession of all things Batman.

“It’s good fun. I support him because of his profound enjoyment,” said Andrea Welch, who has been married to him for 20 years.

His 17-year-old daughter, Jenna Welch, said that although she’s not too interested in Batman now, as a child it gave her and her dad a special bond.

“It gets a little bit annoying after a while, but it makes him happy,” she said. “I’m OK with it.”

As for the movie, Welch says it would be hard for him to be more excited. He has done everything he can over the past six months to avoid information that would spoil the film, but that hasn’t stopped him from preparing for the big night. He will host a “Batbash” with family and friends this afternoon, where “Batburgers,” will be on the menu. After the party, the group will head to the movie and then meet back at the “Batcave” to discuss and critique the film.

“I’ve waited 30 years for this movie,” he said. “For me, it is the Holy Grail.”


Funny interview with the original TV Batman, Adam West

June 26, 2008

A small excerpt from a recent interview with Adam West, the original TV Batman.

Most men have fallen for the wrong type of woman at least once – did you have some sympathy for your character for his love of Catwoman?

Oh yes. He was just a poor soul. He was so torn, Martin…it was heartbreaking! [laughs] He had these curious stirrings in his utility belt, and yet he knew she had to be put away in the slammer.

Do you ever regret turning Cubby Broccoli down for James Bond in Diamonds Are Forever?

Not really. No, wait a minute. Yes.

Full interview at The Den of Geek.

And a scene from “The Batman Movie” made in 1966. Holy sardine!