Posts Tagged ‘japanese tv’

“Big Man Japan”

June 10, 2009

Big Man Japan is a spoof on Japanese monster films.  Looks like it could be funny enough……

Domo orygato, Japanese Bruce Willis

January 26, 2009

I never tire of Japanese television. The clip below is of some chap named Puchihard who is a Japanese Bruce Willis imitator. Spot on…I guess.

Sent in by The Dogg: a man whose love for March Madness is exceeded only by his love for Japanese tv.

“Inframan”-as the trailer says, you really won’t believe your eyes.

January 10, 2009

From 1975, Inframan was Created by science – Powered by nuclear energy… The Man Beyond Bionics. Simply stunning.

We love Japanese TV: Homemade rocket pack made from water bottles=WIN!

January 9, 2009

We can’t get enough of Japanese game shows here at Your Daily Chum.  This demonstration is….breathtaking.

Japanese potty training animation+ridiculous and incorrect English subtitles=Win

January 1, 2009

A few NSFW sub-titles.

This creepy/cute tea commercial is yet another reason why we love Asian tv commercials.

December 14, 2008

After watching this McDonald’s commercial, you’ll realize that yes, that was Ectasy your coworker gave you and not a Tic Tac

October 22, 2008

That’ll teach you to take the last cup of coffee and not make another pot…..